In families you can find the source of every human drama. It is interesting because the cell of a society, the cell of a country, the cell of humanity - everything lies in the family.
But I am Armenian and I understand what it is to lose a country and lose a family and have massacres and genocides and everything against my people.
Brazil is where I belong, the place that feels like home. They love their family, their country and God, and are not afraid to let anybody know it.
Skiing not only for yourself and your family, but for your country, was surreal. The amount of support I got from back home in Indiana was insane.
The more people explore the world, the more they realize in every country there's a different aesthetic. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
I eventually settled in Washington, where my partners and I have been fortunate to build a restaurant business that now employs thousands of Americans across the country.
In some of the countries where we operate, there is a tradition of corruption, in which the political elites work with business in the framework of unsavory relationships.
In 2009, South Carolina was blessed to welcome a great American company that chose to stay in our country to continue to do business. That company was Boeing.
In fighting the debt crisis, E.U. countries have enhanced co-operation and carried out reform with tremendous courage. This is laudable.
I should see an enemy of my country in any one who would change by force that which has been established by law.
If for no other reason than the energy crisis now facing this country, the federal government should be eager to become partners with us in rebuilding our city.
As the contest proceeded, public interest increased and the entire country watched to see which company would win the big government subsidies through the mountains.
I would like to state that my personal opinions are that the people of every country should decide by themselves what kind of government they want.
The government is determined to continue the process of fiscal consolidation and structural reform in order to secure sound public finances and improve the country's international competitiveness.
Today there are not even enough fruits and vegetables in this country to allow all Americans to follow the government guidelines to eat five to nine servings a day.
When you have a country that's been accustomed to government spending at a certain level, it is really hard to ratchet it back.
What the oil producer gets paid is about 16 percent. The majority of it is tax, which in fairness to the government of this country they have accepted and admitted.
If you look at what is happening in Republican conventions across the country, they are energized. And the message is really the same - that is, big government is a problem, spending is a problem.
The happiness of every country depends upon the character of its people, rather than the form of its government.
The same things that lead to disparities in health in this country on a day-to-day basis led to disparities in the impact of Hurricane Katrina.
No other health disparity is so stark; virtually every woman who dies giving birth lives in a poor country.