When intent is rooted in pure love, you dreams will grown and manifest faster than you could ever imagine.
There was a point I could have just churned out the spot and spin paintings for ever and laughed all the way to the bank.
Aside from the occasional genocide, oppression, evil and torture, etc., it is inarguable that public policy could be implemented more rapidly in an autocracy.
You could mention my name in any hallway in any academic institution and you would have people foaming at the mouth.
Those who committed these cowardly acts may believe that they have shaken our resolve to defeat terrorism. They could not be more wrong.
You know I want to be a directos, but you could never truly see the movies in my head and that, Ed, is why we broke up.
Sir Larry could be very strict and a disciplinarian, too. He had many faces; he wore many hats. But, ultimately, he loved the theater and he loved actors.
I studied voice for three months to get rid of my English accent. I changed my hair to blonde. I knew I could be sexy if I had to.
V is like a mythical situation. It's an allegory for what could happen. V has philosophies within it that actually warn against things like that happening.
Usually when you watch a film, you're just sort of biting your nails about things you could have done differently.
When I was a teenager, you couldn't get straight pants. Then in '76, when punk started to hit, it was a revelation that you could find straight pants again.
I got a lot of flak for having Kirk as the lead because they all claimed it was a much harder sell, but no one else could have done that part for many reasons.
I could always flip between emotions and be available to suddenly do something new. I think it's a part of playing, and you hang onto it when you're a kid.
I could never say I'm going to do bigger and better things because that would negate what I've already accomplished, and I don't want to do that.
After deep exercise of soul I was brought by grace to feel I could entirely.
I was involved with my theater program in high school, and I was involved in a festival where I could audition for a lot of different schools.
Long before the idea of multiculturalism, in public people could say almost anything to you and get away with it.
I miss you every minute of every day. If I could miss you more than that, I would.
Kissing could have begun as a way of sniffing out who's who. From a whiff to a kiss was just a short trip across the face.
The sun will rise tomorrow morning; I know that perfectly well. But figuring out how I could know it is, as Hume pointed out, a bit of a puzzle.
It's a staggering transition for high school students that found they could study five hours a week and make As and Bs.