There is a series of sectors which could be severely disrupted by terrorist attacks, particularly if they were to happen in several member states simultaneously.
I realized I made a big mistake and if I could have it over again, I would do it so much differently.
Several people have told me that one of the most meaningful events they could attend would be something at the White House with their children.
We could eliminate sugar across the board for all confectionary products and sodas, and we can replace it with all-natural fresh fruit.
I do a lot of planning and plotting. That's my greatest weakness. If I'm not terribly careful, I'll plan to a point where it could come out cut and dried.
I could start with Mandelstam, who was a huge influence on my early writing.
The King had advertised the old magic tea set, but for some reason, no one wanted sugar teeth that could gouge their eyes out.
The aim of the tests carried on with these syllable series was, by means of repeated audible perusal of the separate series, to so impress them that immediately afterward they could voluntarily be reproduced.
But heat can also be produced by the friction of liquids, in which there could be no question of changes in structure, or of the liberation of latent heat.
Could I be in a better place and happier than I am today? I don't think so.
In a way, I was spoon-fed, if you will, a career. It was fully manufactured by a studio that believed that they could put me on their posters and turn me into their bottle of Coca-Cola, their product.
I'm the complete opposite of every clean cut, decent-looking guy you could ever think of. Yet, I have the biggest heart in the world.
Once you're a winner, you can give all sorts of reasons why you're a winner. Of course, you could all those same reasons to explain why a show fails.
I started with a website,, pre-YouTube. You could e-mail me directly, and I would send you a CD.
If operating in a network environment, do not place public domain or shareware programs in a common file-server directory that could be accessible to any other PC on the network.
There is no man who desires as passionately as a Russian. If we could imprison a Russian desire beneath a fortress, that fortress would explode.
There's so much of, it could have been a very critical examination of what happened, and really the emotional lives of the people involved sort of carry the characters forward.
I could go anywhere in the world and people would stop me in the street and talk about 'Fringe' and how much they adored it and asked questions about it.
Dare to dream again. For dreaming is the language of your soul, And nothing your soul truly desires could ever be wrong or impossible.
I always felt if we were going in to do an album, there should already be a lot of structure already made up so we could get on with that and see what else happened.
I had changed from being a mathematician to a practicing scientist. I was increasingly embarassed that I could no longer follow some of the more modern branches of pure mathematics.