To be a feminist, you could cut your hair really short. You have to be really angry about something.
Tucker CarlsonI used fashion to express myself as much as I could. But at some point, it was not enough.
Thierry MuglerFrankly, I wish they would do 'The Bachelorette' for old people. And I could be the bachelorette.
Julie WhiteWhen we went up against teams that were better, I just hoped that we could steal the victories.
Kareem Abdul-JabbarBelieve it or not, I kind of went into professional wrestling so I could get an avenue into acting.
Kurt AngleReaders regularly ask what can go wrong but almost never what could positively surprise.
Kenneth FisherIf I could learn to treat triumph and disaster the same, then I would find bliss.
Kathie Lee GiffordPeople often forget this - a vinyl album could only contain a maximum of 20 minutes per side!
Ken Hensley