I almost never respect men. They're like flowers -- all show, a lot of color and lust. You pick them and throw them on the ground.
So what, you assumed you’d show up before the dance and I’d magically be ready to go? I need warning to get beautiful.
Life Is ‘Simple’ By Nature... The deeper you try to study, the more you complicate it. Just believe in it’s simplicity & it shall show you it is far too Simple actually!
You don’t need to be an executive owner of a multi-billion international company to show that you are a leader; you need “a discovered self” to optimize and become a leader.
Awesome. I'd terrified the Legatus of the Golden Legion just by showing him my sword. If I waved it around, he'd probably explode.
Yeah, because you'll really be showing them, won't you. Talk about cutting up your wrists to spite your fate.
Oskar showed that virtue emerged where it would, and the sort of churchy observance bishops called for was not a guarantee of genuine humanity in a person.
Thus, she had learned a romance book was fiction. A hero who truly cared for the heroine was called a fantasy.
He tried drowning himself, but he only succeeded in taking a bath. That man was my dad, and I showed him how to tie a tie—and a noose.
Always show kindness and love to others. Your words might be filling the empty places in someone's heart.
I pulled you from the snow, Tella. You couldn't even keep your eyes open.' I roll my eyes to show him how well they work now.
When you find the sort of people who will show up to give you a ride exactly when they've promised to do so, hold on to them for dear life.
Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live Maybe one these days you can let the light in Show me...how BIG your BRAVE is!
Stains were a patchwork of mistakes you couldn't get rid of. They showed the world your real self, even the parts you didn't want it to see.
He wore the evidence of thinking all over his face, open and easy to read. Leah envied him that confidence to show what he was feeling.
You're in America now," I said. "Our idea of diplomacy is showing up with a gun in one hand and a sandwich in the other and asking which you'd prefer.
He’s a lovely guy, but there’s no spark between us whatsoever. It just goes to show, that even with all their fancy assessment tools, the government can’t legislate for chemistry.
A general never shows despair. He instills confidence in his troops. He leads them forward, even into the mouth of death.
I taught a college course called “Of Course!: Helping the Oblivious Realize the Obvious.” Nobody showed up to class, probably because the time and location weren’t obvious enough.
Which is more valuable into showing how I think: the order I think of things, or the order in which I arrange them once I’ve thought of them?
She would let a speeding automobile hit her to show them all how unloved she was.