I know what it takes to put on a good show for the fans.
But there are still good shows like 24, Boomtown and the Wire, the Shield.
I enjoy watching Fear Factor, Newlyweds and American Idol as far as reality TV shows go.
I realize that you have to show up for your life.
I'd like to do a show that's not a sitcom.
A lot of factors go into the longevity of a show.
Tweeting is the go-to medium for the show-off and the shyster.
I never set out to do a sketch show.
If I'm on a show, then that's my favorite channel.
I've always showed up. If I got paid.
I'm nice, and I show up on time.
If you respect a language and culture, it shows in your work.
Two shows at once is crazy, but I love it.
I canceled a show once to be with someone that I loved.
The show had run its course on the Fox network.
What you are will show in what you do.
War is the ultimate reality-based horror show.
There's no question 'Amazing Race' is a beautifully produced show.
I don't do the same show on any two nights.
My opinion can be completely different after a show.
I'm syndicated on the radio - my show is called 'The Sweat Hotel.'