Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success.
The function of the artist in a disturbed society is to give awareness of the universe, to ask the right questions, and to elevate the mind.
It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy's mind from effort.
There's no changing your mind about whom you love. That's part of the tough thing about being in love - it's sort of undeniable.
I changed my mind because of a scene between Howard Cunningham and Richie. The father-son situation was written so movingly, I fell in love with the project.
The key is falling in love with something, anything. If your heart's attached to it, then your mind will be attached to it.
Stone walls confine a tinker; cold iron binds a witch; but a musician's music can never be fettered, for it lives first in her heart and mind.
Music is unique because you can get behind enemy lines a little bit, get into people's houses and into their heads, on their stereos, and win hearts and minds.
You're just playing, playing, playing, and then an image or something will come into your mind, and basically you're just narrating it with music, letting it move along.
In chamber music, the audience can hear each instrument and understand (and feel) what the composer and the musicians have in mind as they play.
Music is really all about experimentation and lots of trial and error. It's just mind-numbingly boring until you hit on something that works well.
As you may know my use of Celtic music is extremely simple and short. However there is something about it that will remain in your mind for a long, long time.
I'm not musically inclined. It blows my mind that people can write music. I don't have that talent; I look up to the people that do.
That was probably the stamp that went into my mind, because I worked in television for many years, doing that kind of music, so that really was my strong forte.
When I got out of the Nazz, I had it in my mind that simply to be eclectic was an important aspect of making music. It was something that I derived from The Beatles.
By burning Luther's books you may rid your bookshelves of him, but you will not rid men's minds of him.
Communism feeds on aggression, hatred, and the imprisonment of men's minds and souls. This shall not take root in the United States.
Beware prejudices. They are like rats, and men's minds are like traps; prejudices get in easily, but it is doubtful if they ever get out.
When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one.
Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor.
For millions of men and women, the church has been the hospital for the soul, the school for the mind and the safe depository for moral ideas.