The contents of someone's bookcase are part of his history, like an ancestral portrait." ( , New York Times, February 22, 1987)
The experience of history should lead us to hope and strive to make the world better, not to despair and resign ourselves to fate.
History – An account mostly false, of events unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools.
If, after all, men cannot always make history have a meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one.
There are moments when one feels a desperate gratitude for museums, whatever their own ambiguous histories. Their objects from lost cities lead us back to who we are.
It is not a first time in history that we have got people who have sold out and subverted the ideas for which they stood for in the past.
Check the history, more people died for freedom than love, people need freedom before they need love.
When undesirable and ugly addendum enters a man's life history, it become acceptable as part of the process of growing up.
All that matters is this moment and what you make of it, because the past is history and the future is just full of wishes that you can’t foresee.
History makes my mouth water - and that is as much because of the voids in what documentation remains as what is set in stone.
Social and cultural history is often comprised of whatever diaries and letters remain and that is down to chance and wide open to interpretation.
The history of atomism is one of reductionism – the effort to reduce all the operations of nature to a small number of laws governing a small number of primordial objects.
What were you supposed to say to people you barely knew? That was the kind of thing I needed lessons in - forget algebra and history.
History shows: Whenever people try to pull you down, you will reach peaks of success. You just need the ability to ignore.
Time passes, everything becomes history. Life, Death and suffering. These are the harsh judgements of life, we have to cope or give up.
Isn't better to excel in your work than wasting time on fruitless things ... after all to become the history, you have to write it.
As independent filmmakers, we are actually deeply dependent on each other. The Spirit Awards are a public expression of those bonds, the intricate set of relationships and histories that we filmmakers depend on to make our most personal work.
It smells terrible in here.' Well, what do you expect? The human body, when confined, produces certain odors which we tend to forget in this age of deodorants and other perversions. Actually, I find the atmosphere of this room rather comforting. Schi...
All our contemporaries...had some big ideology to live for. Everybody thought he had to either fight in Spain or die for something else, and most of us had to be in prison for one reason or another. And then at the end it turns out that none of these...
’s discovery would not have been possible without the doctrine of conics. Now contemporaries of —such penetrating minds as and —were abandoning the study of geometry ... because they said it was so UTTERLY USELESS. There was the future of the h...
Kundalini means, according to Zeena ‘She Who is Hidden,’ and points to the dormant goddess in every human being’s body. While the kundalini force is found in muladharachakra, she hypnotizes humans, like maya herself, and renders them slaves to ...