One of the ultimate challenges for biology is to understand the brain's processing of unconscious and conscious perception, emotion, and empathy.
Law breaking, graffiti artist, dumb jock that I am, I'm pretty socially conscious.
The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling.
The real composer thinks about his work the whole time; he is not always conscious of this, but he is aware of it later when he suddenly knows what he will do.
Whole Foods Market tries to embody all of the principles of conscious capitalism all the time, but like any person or company, we sometimes fall short.
Everyone's projecting onto you, or you feel like everyone is judging you. I feel like I'm being judged a lot of the time. You become really self-conscious.
I think the first time I was ever really conscious of the difference between people's voices was that my mother's voice was so soft and gentle and her pronunciation was so perfect.
Writing poetry makes you intensely conscious of how words sound, both aloud and inside the head of the reader. You learn the weight of words and how they sound to the ear.
Enchanted partnership begins with the conscious understanding, on the part of two people, that the purpose of their relationship is not so much material as spiritual, and the internal skills demanded by it are prodigious.
I think Elvis loved his fans - I think that's why they loved him and still love him. Fans are very conscious and sensitive to the fact that performers love them.
I am partly not conscious of structure with my movies, but this is when I am writing. I leave my mind very free, and then I correct it after.
I made a conscious effort to focus on television so I could stay in Los Angeles, so I wasn't on a location all over the world doing movies.
It is the mystery of the creative act that something other than our conscious self takes over.
We have to be very conscious of the fact that beneath every illness is a prohibition. A prohibition that comes from a superstition.
In Buddhism there are words you can say... as you say the words with rhythm the conscious tells the subconscious.
First conscious thoughts to wake,first guided steps to take. What walk of path not known..... of many moments already born?
Fortunately, I've never been very conscious and inhibited of what I have to do. The camera's my soul mate.
It is natural to celebrate the winning moments. However, we need to be equally conscious that we protest or resist the instances of cheating either by others or by self.
If everyone is to be made responsible for everything they do, you must extend responsibility beyond the level of conscious intention.
Just as everybody has the vote including women, I think children should, because as a child is conscious of itself then it has to me an existence and has a stake in what happens.
Carl Jung never said: “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkne...