In the unrest of the masses I augur great good. It is by their realizing that their condition of life is not what it ought to be that vast improvements may be accomplished.
The main consideration with those who, possessing some capital, propose to emigrate as the means of improving their condition, is, the society likely to be found in the land fixed on for their future residence.
A covenant is an agreement between God and His children upon the earth, and it is important to understand that God determines the conditions of all gospel covenants.
Right now, doctors can test for about 2,500 medical conditions, but they only can treat about 500 of those. So what do you do with the knowledge about the others?
Because of new technologies, new wealth, new conditions of domestic life and of international relations, unprecedented criteria and issues are coming up for national decision.
When there is in nature no fixed condition, how much less must there be in the life of a people, beings endowed with mobility and movement!
Life is a terminal condition. Were all going to die. Cancer patients just have more information, but we all, in some ways, wait for permission to live.
I look at life, the experiences I've had, at the human condition, the dynamics between people, the news (world news), and draw from the compelling realities all around us.
Celebrity life and media culture are probably the most overbearing pop-cultural conditions that we as young people have to deal with, because it forces us to judge ourselves.
Your conditions don't determine your level of happiness; your frequent interpretations of your experiences in life do.
I believe the conditions are very favorable for Mexico to grow. I'm very optimistic.
We are in this fairyland on sufferance; it is not for us to quarrel with the conditions under which we enjoy this wild vision of the world.
When you're an athlete and you play every day and are conditioning yourself every year, the aging is gradual.
Life is not a miracle. It is a natural phenomenon, and can be expected to appear whenever there is a planet whose conditions duplicate those of the earth. [ .]
Say goodbye to the IMF once and for all as the IMF's conditions enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor.
The dualism itself becomes a sort of presupposition or datum; its terms condition the further problem.
Two thirds of a century ago, we were given a national policy. It was made to fit the conditions of the day.
The conditioning and the lifestyle changes you have to make to remain a healthy athlete are what molded me into what I am today.
A life is well lived when you are content with your condition and gracious for your possessions.
The biggest issue by far is that carbohydrates are absolutely at the cornerstone of all of our major degenerative conditions.
I suffered from severe depression for over a decade. My condition deteriorated steadily. I was suicidal.