At this moment I do not have a personal relationship with a computer.
All of the details that most of us memorize in medical school - you don't have to learn those things. They're going to be in your computer.
I'm terrified of switching the computer on because there are so many poems.
I got into television in 1998 when I didn't have a computer or even an email address.
It's miraculous how much easier the computer has made my sort of work.
As a general rule, when a new industry takes root, and the first products emerge in a wave, almost always the architecture of the product will be proprietary and interdependent in character.
Laughing in the cultural industry is mockery of happiness.
There aren't many people around with the stomach or the knowledge to delve into the airline industry.
Avarice, the spur of industry.
The truth of the matter is the real industry is in LA and the cream of the talent is there.
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.
In every business, in every industry, management does matter.
Show business is, essentially, a fear-based industry.
We're one of the most highly regulated industries, and we have to pay attention to what government is doing.
There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and industry.
The monarchy is a labor intensive industry.
The industry now wants to be in charge of everything.
I am interested in computers and technology, and art, photography, and design.
I could never understand how to build a computer, but the best I could hope for is to understand the people that do.
Computers ought to help people find their own best path through lots of textual information.
We basically created a computational unit out of two brains.