To better understand why you need a personal computer, let's take a look at the pathetic mess you call your life.
We must develop a deeper interest and greater understanding of the people we meet here or abroad. Like us, they are passengers on board that mysterious ship called life.
We're not in high school anymore and we've had a little more life experiences to help us better understand what were going through in terms of stardom and recognition.
I think everybody in news understands that the audience that watches for more than an hour is not your target audience - because those people are on life support.
Well, I think that people are smart enough to understand the difference between a movie and real life.
After I started to understand the spiritual dimension of life, I understood the responsibilities you have as a husband, a father, a friend and a hockey player.
The lessons learned as we try to build ever more sophisticated nanomachines will almost certainly inform our understanding of the origins of life.
In order to understand life it is not only necessary not to be indifferent to men, but not to be indifferent to flocks, to trees. One should be indifferent to nothing.
If someone explains me the definition of love, I will give my life to the person. Love is a thing which is difficult to understand. Love is always evolving.
'I Will Follow' is a celebration of life. Sometimes when you lose something, you understand its value more than when you had it. The same is true for life.
Don't be gullible, use life before it uses you. Understand there are no free lunches, and for every action you take, there's a reaction.
I have a deep love for life and my fellow human beings. I try to understand everything that everybody does, even if it seems wrong to me.
I thought my goal in life was to be in a successful band, and I had got that, but I was as miserable as I had ever been, and I couldn't understand why that would be.
I spent much of my life dying for somebody to help me even file for a patent or make a prototype. I understand that.
I think it's the same to be an actress anywhere because the profession is about attitudes towards events - it is a process to try to understand life. I think this is the case for actors across the world.
I always want to be telling stories in whatever fashion I can, and directing is really just understanding and learning a different element of that storytelling process.
I try to update my arsenal constantly. Learning different martial arts since childhood. To understand what's out there. To really be in tune.
Also, they don't understand - writing is language. The use of language. The language to create image, the language to create drama. It requires a skill of learning how to use language.
When I was a kid it was much more difficult. You're trying to understand what the director wants. It's a learning process. Now, you go in and it's more of a collaboration.
We're learning as we go. We're a lot smarter this time. We understand what it takes to mobilize away from the threat of a hurricane.
There are still so many places on our planet that remain unexplored. I'd love to one day peel back the mystery and understand them.