All of us, have our antenna up for people who might harm us in one way or another, not just people who might hurt us physically, but also for people who might treat us unfairly, take advantage of us, cheat us or fail to do their share. And we react v...
Imagine every hideous and vile deed committed from the beginning of time until Christ’s future return—heaped upon the pure and perfect Son of God. Bearing the sin of many, he drank the very cup of wrath he prayed would be taken from him. No other...
You've read half the books in this house? This whole house?" "Well, approximately half." Sticky said. "To be more accurate, I suppose I've read more like" - his eyes went up as he calculated - "three sevenths? Yes, three sevenths." "Only three sevent...
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Why, if I had half a chance, I could make an entire movie using this stock footage. The story opens on these mysterious explosions. Nobody knows what's causing them, but it's upsetting all the buffalo. So, the military are called...
There is no Mystery so great as Misery.
The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
Life is mysterious as well as vulgar.
I know nothing about mysteries. I don't take to them.
A moment of time is the biggest mystery in physics.
Let the mystery carry you breathlessly along.
It was the experience of mystery - even if mixed with fear - that engendered religion.
The great mystery of our consciousness is beyond our grasp.
The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.
Great mysteries inhabit the threshold of my being.
Life is a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved
My mind works in mysterious ways
In witnessing yourself lies the whole mystery of life.
Poetry is always slightly mysterious, and you wonder what is your relationship to it.
I'm attracted to mysterious men. Every woman can relate to that, right?
Are you prepared to be the complete Watson?" he asked. "Watson?" "Do-you-follow-me-Watson; that one. Are you prepared to have quite obvious things explained to you, to ask futile questions, to give me chances of scoring off you, to make brilliant dis...
I hated all this: the mystery of myself.