When you go to standup, there seems to be a common denominator of some form of need or want for validation from the audience that maybe you were lacking as a kid.
Common people are often enough; that is why God made so many of them. Your job is to be--- EXTRAORDINARY.
When children have grieving parents it's also common for them to feel an obligation to cheer them up and make them happy.
But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?
Running is a simple, primitive act, and therein lays its power. For it is one of the few commonalities left between us as a human race.
The emotions that sustain religious belief are all, in fact, deeply ordinary and deeply recognisable to anybody who has ever made their way across the common ground of human experience as an adult.
Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.
Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.
Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless.
Neither the wording of the amendment itself nor common practice challenged the widely held belief that government guaranteed freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
We must remember that North Carolina is more than a collection of regions and people. We are one state, one people, one family, bound by a common concern for each other.
And of course we are familiar with the English common law rule of thumb that said a man could in fact use a stick no bigger than his thumb to discipline his wife and family.
It is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men this benevolent disposition.
The only reason of the institution of civil government; and the only rational ground of submission to it, is the common safety and utility.
What the government has to do, if it wants to govern for any length of time, is it must appeal primarily to the third parties in the House of Commons to get them to support it.
Depression has been called the world's number one public health problem. In fact, depression is so widespread it is considered the common cold of psychiatric disturbances. But there is a grim difference between depression and a cold. Depression can k...
A common denominator among big guys like me who are trying to take care of our health is that we're not getting enough sleep.
I do see music as complete refuge. It's a universal home, complete common ground between everyone; it comes from a place that has no nation and no boundaries around it.
I don't plan ahead; each book finds me. History itself, the resonance of the past with the present, is the common denominator in all of them.
Throughout history, civilizations have built a common cause through coming-of-age rituals. But we don't do that anymore. Maybe we should think about that.
The solutions to our problems are and always will be based upon universal, timeless, self-evident principles common to every enduring, prospering society throughout history.