Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity.
The thing about Hitchcock which is quite extraordinary for a director of that time, he had a very strong sense of his own image and publicizing himself. Just a very strong sense of himself as the character of Hitchcock.
Both Brutus and Hamlet are highly intellectual by nature and reflective by habit. Both may even be called, in a popular sense, philosophic; Brutus may be called so in a stricter sense.
When you're sitting in front of a screen, you're not using all of your senses at the same time. Nowhere than in nature do kids use their senses in such a stimulated way.
To me, science fiction is about the sense of mystery, the sense of awe. Not 'shock and awe', just 'awe.'
One of the reasons to do documentaries is that. There's more sense of creating something, more sense of my own soul in the documentaries than in movies, because I don't write the movies I do.
Learnings from any training you have attended will not make any sense if you are not applying it, make sense .
Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.
Don't talk to me about a man's being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense. Can he talk nonsense?
Our Cuba policy didn't make much sense during the Cold War and makes even less sense now.
We have points in common with the FDP, particularly when it comes to tax.
I am an untrained musician and a common man's singer.
It is this, at its most basic, that makes science a humane pursuit; it acknowledges the commonality of people's experience.
23andMe set out to try and change healthcare - this is not an easy business. This is not a coffee shop in Austin.
In common with many others in the varied branches of our profession, my academic education is subnormal.
There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.
It's worth knowing more about the complicated environmental and genetic factors that could explain why traumatic brain injuries lead to long-term disabilities in some people and not in others.
Why should we not expect self-designated environmental leaders to practice what they preach?
If there was to be a new Europe, there not only had to be a common market, but also great mobility in labor.
Man's nature, originally good and common to all, should develop unhampered.
Our government should speak a common language with the American people - plain English.