If a man has common sense, he has all the sense there is.
Common sense is a tool that isn't in everyone's shed.
There's no mystique to acting. It's only common sense - and a bit of courage.
A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good.
I believe in cooperating for the common good.
Nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited.
No decisions should ever be made without asking the question, is this for the common good?
What it missing, I think, is this notion of the common good.
We all have a common goal, and we know it's all for our future good.
Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.
The common person fears to think beyond the common.
Christianity is part of the common law.
Conservatives and liberals can find common ground.
I always take the time to eat well and eat locally because it's common sense.
If reason is a universal faculty, the decision of the common mind is the nearest criterion of truth.
Science is nothing, but trained and organized common sense.
Common sense has become an uncommon virtue.
what risk to a common man is an opportunity for a wise
Taste is the common sense of genius.
Have common sense and stick to the point.
In any war, the first casualty is common sense, and the second is free and open discussion.