The mind can never foresee its own advance
The mind cannot long play the heart's role.
People are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds.
Religion is like drugs, it destroys the thinking mind.
A book without words is a mind without thought.
Heart stop aching, mind stop thinking.
Every new concept first comes to the mind in a judgment.
I don't mind being interviewed on television or radio.
In adversity remember to keep an even mind.
Rule your mind or it will rule you.
Ladies, just a little more virginity, if you don't mind.
A peaceful soul haunts the warring mind.
Terrorism is you winning hearts and minds of people.
I like to keep mobile. It keeps my mind awake.
Ambition - it is the last infirmity of noble minds.
Christopher Reeve will always be Superman in my mind.
Ambition: it is the last infirmity of noble minds.
The kingdom of heaven in not a place but a state of mind.
I do not understand the capricious lewdness of the sleeping mind.
The mind is the source of infinite power; to find it we have to mine it.
Happiness is a state of mind, not the condition we find.