The desire to belong is in every mind.
An example is the best inspiration for a young mind.
Love heals the soul and cures the mind.
The moon is the lighthouse of love, and as changing as a woman's mind.
Have an enthusiastic mind and a soft, but sweet, heart.
Love with a peaceful mind and bring peace with the power of love.
With her mouth closed, her mind screamed.
Books and minds only work when they're open.
The mind conceives with pain, but it brings forth with delight.
My priority is to ensure peace and harmony in Malaysia. That is uppermost in my mind.
In my mind the city of Ariel is a thorn in Israel's side and a serious obstacle to peace.
Peace rules the day, where reason rules the mind.
Imagination... its limits are only those of the mind itself.
The Joker: I'm of a mind to make some mookie.
All of these stories bounced around in my mind for a long time.
In my mind, there's a time and a place for putting your foot down.
I don't mind my work being a record of the time it was written in.
Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often merely lengthens the conversation.
Britt: I... changed my mind.
The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.
People don't mind if you have a lot of money if they know you're working for it.