To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.
The enemy is not me. The enemy is Barack Obama.
Javed: My enemy's enemy is a friend.
Your enemies can be your allies and your allies can be your enemies at times.
A field in common is always ravaged by bears.
He who has no enemies has no friends either.
A guilty conscience is a lively enemy.
Beware, the enemy lies under your blanket.
Trust not the praise of a friend nor the contempt of an enemy.
A traveler to distant places should make no enemies.
Use your enemy's hand to catch a snake.
False friends are worst than bitter enemies.
He who loves the truth has many enemies.
The common denominator of all my friends is that they're dead.
Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants.
Trouble is the common denominator of living. It is the great equalizer.
Common sense is calculation applied to life.
You have to have the common sense.
Woe is the mind of the common man, so easily controlled by the prospect of an ambition never to be truly attained. This is what tyrants live on and by what commoners are blissfully burdened and subdued.
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.
It's important to remember that we evolved. Now, I know that's a dirty word for some people, but we evolved from common ancestors with the gorillas, the chimpanzee and also the bonobos. We have a common past, and we have a common future.