So, in a Civil Service where smooth and sociable performance was more useful than an individualistic competence, Enderby went up the scale quickly, and was at the Commissioner level when Baley himself was nothing more than a C-5.
At last, someone came to tell me I'd been selected as commissioner, which gave rise to the line that I took the job with clean hands. I was then taken downstairs to a press conference, and the reporters were as surprised as I was.
No one ever asked what was my relationship with Bart Giamatti. We used to talk about baseball a lot as a player and a commissioner, just talk about the game, what could we do to help the game, where's the game going, he was pretty good.
Minister: [to Lebel] Remember, Commissioner, you have full powers in this investigation, and the resources of every department represented here are entirely at your disposal. My instructions are simply: no publicity, and do not fail.
Deputy Commissioner Peter Foley: I'm not risking my men for your money. Exchange Security Chief: It's not our money, it's everybody's! Allen: Really? Mine's in my mattress.
Police Commissioner James Gordon: He didn't do it! It's garbage, Councilman! The Batman does not kill. You want him, you get him! I'll have no part in it.
The Commission has five commissioners from each side, plus three alternates, so all together sixteen members, people who are independent from the two governments, who have a lot of integrity, professional competence, and who have credibility in their...
I'd like to be the commissioner of tennis, but do I want to get into politics? Sometimes I have delusions of grandeur that that would be an interesting, good thing. I'm talking about actual politics, like being a congressman, but then I see how unbel...
Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb: How'd they get my DNA? Lt. James Gordon: Someone with access to your house or office must have lifted a tissue or a... glass. [realizing as Loeb takes a sip of whiskey] Lt. James Gordon: Wait, WAIT! [Loeb chokes]
Excuse my charisma, vodka with a spritzer. Swagger down pat, call my shit Patricia. Young Money militia and I am the commissioner. You don't want start Weezy 'cause the F is for finisher So misunderstood but what's a world without enigma?
If you made me the national commissioner of football, I'd tell you one thing that I would mandate. The second Saturday in September, we're going to have conference day. Everybody from the SEC plays a Big 12 team. Everybody from the Big Ten is going t...
Henckels: By order of the commissioner of police, Zubrowka Province, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of Madame Celine Villenueve Desgoffe-und-Taxis. M. Gustave: I knew there was something fishy. We never got the cause of death. She's b...
For a while parents seemed to forget that their responsibility as parents did not cease when the child turned on the radio; rather it increases. In the August, 1938, issue of , Mary Linton has this to say to the parent who is blaming everyone but him...
Lebel: The following conversation was recorded at 6:15 this morning. The number being dialed was identified as Molitor 5901. [plays a tape recorder for the council] Denise: Hello. Valmy: Yes? Denise: Denise. Valmy: Valmy here. Denise: They know he's ...
There is quite enough sorrow and shame and suffering and baseness in real life and there is no need for meeting it unnecessarily in fiction. As Police Commissioner it was my duty to deal with all kinds of squalid misery and hideous and unspeakable in...
Lt. James Gordon: Harvey Dent never made it home. The Joker: Of course not. Lt. James Gordon: What have you done with him? The Joker: Me? I was right here. [holds up his arms in handcuffs] The Joker: Who did you leave him with? Your people? Assuming,...
Sewer Thug #1: [Sewer thugs have captured Jim Gordon, who is barely conscious] It's the police commissioner. Bane: And you brought him down here? Sewer Thug #1: We didn't know what to do. Bane: You panicked, and your weakness has cost the lives of th...
Barbara: These are those four outlines submitted by Universal for an hour series. You needn't bother to read them; I'll tell them to you. The first one is set at a large Eastern law school, presumably Harvard. The series is irresistibly entitled "The...
Batman: [perched on the railing of a stairway behind Gordon's home] Storm's coming. Jim Gordon: [closing the door to his kitchen where his wife and son are] The scum is getting jumpy because you stood up to Falcone. Batman: It's a start. Your partner...