Most successful politicians don't let the job swamp their lives.
Success or Failure, there should always be a Drive to Keep on Creating.
I can't say I was a very successful sorority girl.
Believing in yourself is your first step to success.
Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.
The measuring stick of success in Hollywood is covered in shit at both ends
A purpose directed disciplined action always bring success.
Life isn't about achieving success But about creating joy and happiness.
The secret of success in life is the persistent practice of making choices.
Goal-oriented actions bring success but actions with love and kindness bring happiness.
To be a success, water your dream with optimism and love.
For success, optimism is more important than opportunity.
When we fail we pursue the success. When we succeed we party.
Whatever you expect, you will get. So expect success, not regret.
I've done a lot of Broadway plays, and I'm fortunate they've all been so successful.
We reveal our joys and successes, we conceal our pain.
Success doesn't happen in a vacuum. You're only as good as the people you work with and the people you work for.
It's important to be successful enough to be able to keep doing what you love.
The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving yourself the time to do what you want to do.
The European Union is the world's most successful invention for advancing peace.
You can't ignore the system and the power you acquire as an actor if you're in films that are successful.