We don't come to the table to fight or to defend. We don't come to prove or to conquer, to draw lines in the sand or to stir up trouble. We come to the table because our hunger brings us there. We come with a need, with fragility, with an admission o...
: blanco. De ella deriva la palabra «luz». : sangre. De ella deriva la palabra «hematoma» (grumo de sangre). De la unión de esas dos palabras espantosas se obtiene otra todavía más terrible: . Así se denomina el tumor de la sangre. Un nombre ...
—Ella ahora está pálida. Ha perdido su pelo rojo, el pelo por el que me enamoré. Y yo ni siquiera me atreví a hablar, a ayudarla, a preguntarle cómo estaba. La vi así y huí. Huí como un cobarde. Estaba convencido de amarla, estaba convencid...
Procrastination is not the problem. It is the solution. It is the universe's way of saying stop, slow down, you move too fast. Listen to the music. Whoa whoa, listen to the music. Because music makes the people come together, it makes the bourgeois a...
Dory: [At the entrance to the trench] Come on, let's go. Marlin: No, no, no! Bad trench, bad trench! Come on, we're swimming over this thing. Dory: Whoa, partner. Little red flag going up. Something tells me we should go through it, not over it. Marl...
Stan Marsh: Dude, dude, wake up! [Kenny does so and gets dressed] Stan Marsh: Kenny, come on! Kenny McCormick: [muffled] Coming! Stan Marsh: Kenny! The new Terrance and Phillip movie is out! You wanna come with me? Kenny McCormick: Yeah, dude! Come o...
Don't ask me where I am going but where I have come from.
A mule who goes in search of a fine set of antlers, will come back with his ears cut off:
Marriage is like a besieged fortress: those who are outside want to come in, and those already in want to be out.
You must live with a person to know a person. If you want to know me come and live with me.
A mule that thinks he is a stag discovers his mistake when he comes to leap over the ditch.
As a child, is a man wrapped in his mother's womb; as an adult, in tradition; comes death, and he is wrapped in earth.
If everything that came from your tongue were to come into your hands, then every beggar would be a pasha.
The past has given us much too many bad answers for us not to see that the mistakes were in the questions themselves. There is no need to choose between the fetishism of spontaneity and the organization control; between the "come one, come all" of ac...
For you [God] are infinite and never change. In you 'today' never comes to an end: and yet our 'today' does come to an end in you, because time, as well as everything else, exists in you. If it did not, it would have no means of passing. And since yo...
I have cried even when the laugh did choke me. But no more think that I am all sorry when I cry, for the laugh he come just the same. Keep it always with you that laughter who knock at your door and say, ‘May I come in?’ is not true laughter. No!...
So, regarding that tidbit about your having a fertile imagination when it comes to private activities," she said, fighting off anxiety. "Was it another lie?" "Depends on how you look at it. It's not exactly a lie, and if you come with me to the Weird...
A un tratto lui ricambiò lo sguardo e la fissò, come se la stesse studiando. Poi, i suoi occhi acquistarono una strana sicurezza. "Sei tu". E di colpo, tutto cambiò. Fu come se il cuore le fosse uscito prepotentemente dal petto; era come se quel b...
What if — is more complicated than that? What if maybe opposite is true as well? Because, if bad can sometimes come from good actions—? where does it ever say, anywhere, that only bad can come from bad actions? Maybe sometimes — the wrong way i...
I’ve come down from the sky like some damned ghost, delayed too long…To the abandoned fields the trees returned and grew. They stand and grow. Time comes To them, time goes, the trees Stand; the only place They go is where they are. Those wholly ...
One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which ...