I have newspapers coming to me and saying, 'Can we get in on the TARP?'.
You carry forever the fingerprint that comes from being under someone's thumb.
Confidence comes with maturity, being more accepting of yourself.
The mode by which the inevitable comes to pass is effort.
A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it.
Where's Eminem, when is Em coming out, Em this, Em that, 50 this, 50 that... What about Obie?
Envy's a coal comes hissing hot from Hell.
Democrasy comes into grave danger when truth is no longer spoken to power.
I'm interested in where we are, where we're going, where we've come from.
It is very difficult for people to come in contact with their own emotions and their own sensibilities.
When it comes to accepting emotional support or affection, I'm a little guarded and hardened to that.
People come to my places to eat dinner with their friends, not with me.
'Sexy' doesn't have to come with the price tag of being dumb.
Out of nothing can come, and nothing can become nothing.
I prepare for every role. I come into class with my homework under my arm.
O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
When it comes to determining child custody, however, sexism is the rule.
90% of Startups fail. Come in to be the 90% until we shift to rest 10%. ;)
Lord Emsworth belonged to the people-like-to-be-left-alone-to-amuse-themselves-when-they-come-to-a-place school of hosts
We desecrated the traditional values, but new values didn't come along.
The comics are where all the crazy subconscious stuff comes out.