My prayer will shake heaven to come down and kiss the earth... and I will pose somewhere to watch it drop some goodies that I will later gather for my greatness. Sela!
Lift up the weak; inspire the ignorant... Rescue the failures; encourage the deprived! Live to give... Don't only hustle for survival. Go, and settle for revival!
Complacency is a sword of two edges. One edge kills hard earned successes while the other end stops future glories. Complacency is a murderer and a barrier!
Don't feel pity for those who will feel disappointed because you have scored! You were trained not to entertain a pity party but to excel in a winning game!
Never climb the tree with the reason of plucking a fruit; only to get there and pick a leaf. Let everything you get there to do be done and let it be done well!
Plantations of good morals are easily captivated, colonized and corrupted by the pests of a bad company. Spray away bad companies and you will experience a bumper harvest of your dream fruits!
Kill the fears before they endorse your failures. When you attempt to stop the terrorist at the time he's at work, you are too late!
Don't be a pleaser of people just because of the fear of the losing your position. You cease to be a true leader when you do so!
It's only "single steps" that make a journey of 1000 miles. It means the combined effect of many steps is the equivalence of a great journey. Go, take many little steps.
Refuse to become a victim of your circumstances and give a lift to your potentials each and every day against the wish of any obstacle you encounter!
My mother is my friend Who shares with me her bread All my hopelessness cured! Her company makes me secured!
It's wrong to think that money is the first requirement for great accomplishments. This argument is neither here nor there. Money or no money, success begins with your ideas.
Your happiness is meaningless unless it is linked with the total liberation of people around you! You matter; others also matter! Live life so well!
Obscurity makes success undefined because success is crowned by sharing what you have with people who need it; you can't share if you keep hiding!
You are a lamp to give light to people; you must mount the lamp stand and shine bright! Don't hide your gifts; expose and share them freely!
PULL and PUSH" are basic principles of life. You must PULL to work hard and then PUSH to give hard"... The reason why we gain is to give!
Your brand will be called on upon when it's needed. When it's not needed at the moment, keep it safely till it's call comes. Some brands shine occasionally!
This is what you can do to be called a true leader; know the truth, love the truth, speak the truth and repeat the cycle over and over again and again! Let the truth reign!
Look at the truth from how it stands, not where it comes from. The truth is still the truth no matter whether it is spoken by an Indian, an American, a Chinese, an European, an African or an Australian!
Make a good gallery! Your names and your photos give you a unique identity. Make and maintain a good name in the hearts of people. Paint good photos in their minds.
People's curses will become your clue to win. The trash they think you have will become the treasure for greatness they will plead to enjoy! You will understand this better by and by!