I am never wrong when it comes to my possibilities.
We've come into the world of '1984,' but it turns out to be '1984'-Lite.
These wretched babies don't come until they are ready.
Everything that has a beginning comes to an end.
I do not come out of a literary tradition.
The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose.
And of course coming from Massachusetts, Rocky Marciano was my favorite.
Ice ages have come and gone. Coral reefs have persisted.
I never come away from a film thinking I nailed it.
But I listen to everything, I listen to all artists that come along.
I was scared...and did not know what was coming for me next.
I come from French Cajun Jewish people.
Most comedy comes out of misery.
When the audience comes in, it changes the temperature of what you've written.
I'm an actor, coming from New York theater.
Right now, offline and online are coming together because of smartphones.
When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
Real economic stimulus comes from real investment.
I do come from fairly humble beginnings.
We are organizing Jewry for its coming destiny.
I haven't had a lot of comedy come my way as a performer.