In general, the objects in the universe that are very high-energy objects, or the processes that are high-energy processes, will radiate more in the short wavelength range towards the gamma rays or the x-rays.
Bravo's 'Real Housewives' series isn't just entertainment for devoted fans like me - it's an entire all-absorbing universe of pride and passion.
The Marvel universe is a deep, weird, woolly place, and getting to expose strange corners of it is part of the fun of 'She-Hulk.' Honestly, it's part of the fun of any Marvel book.
'Need You Now' is a universal subject matter. It's something that not just country fans, not just pop fans - everybody's been there. And the production was a little left of center.
In the year 1915 a series of trivial incidents led some Chinese students in Cornell University to take up the question of reforming the Chinese language.
Gintoki: Listen, I don’t care what you guys do around the universe. This is my sword, and anywhere it can reach is my country! Bastards who come in and try to mess with my things…whether it be a general, whether it be space pirates, whether it be...
My own interest in basic aspects of electron transfer between metal complexes became active only after I came to the University of Chicago in 1946.
[My study of the universe] leaves little doubt that life has occurred on other planets. I doubt if the human race is the most intelligent form of life.
I believe that only scientists can understand the universe. It is not so much that I have confidence in scientists being right, but that I have so much in nonscientists being wrong.
I still have some of my old University essays, and I do still have my drawing book from primary year seven.
Powerful and Positive thoughts create Pure and Transcendental emotions that can instantly connect two individual soul in different part of this world or universe through the medium of love
I'm a little sheepish about it. Whenever I meet fans and they're like, 'Oh, you're so sexy,' I just don't get that. There's no way one man can be universally sexy.
I belong to the most powerful cult in the universe and beyond where Holy Spirit is the ministering agents and Jesus is the grandmaster
We try to preach innovation. We provide resources; we invite speakers in from universities to talk about new ideas.
At university, I had been obsessed with reading about the lives of Rimbaud and Baudelaire, and I was steeped in the crazy poets, and I came to view my early subjects through that prism.
I've taught a college journalism course at two universities where my students taught me more than I did them about how political news is consumed.
Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend.
Feelings are universal, and if an actor's doing his job, I think he's making people sit there, and if it's in a movie or a theatre, going 'Hmm, yeah, I know that... I know that.'
The ultimate purpose of our life is to be happy. We are born for happiness, we are going toward happiness, we like to live in happiness, and we like to vanish from this universe for eternal happiness.
The purpose of life is to be happy by being useful to others. Always have the inborn sense of wonder and enjoy the wonderful universe every moment with great love and great affection.
Love is the treasure of life, so spend it as much as you can. As you spend, the universe will be richer and friendlier. It will pay you back a thousand times more.