Education is no substitute for intelligence.
I'm not educated about cinema or genres.
Education is the process of selling someone on books.
I had to study acting to basically educate myself.
Well, I always wanted to be educated and be prepared.
Adversity is a better educator than the best teacher.
It's really not about the money. It's just about educating yourself.
A substandard education will always result in a substandard nation.
My work has been the education I avoided.
I was a pretty shy, lonely kid. I blossomed about age 17, when I went to college.
I never studied sculpture, engineering or architecture. In fact, after college I applied to seven art schools and was rejected by all seven.
I was an actor as a kid in Boston. Then I went to art school with Brice Marden, the Massachusetts College of Art. So the hybrid of being an actor and artist is a director.
I played piano back in my elementary school days and I sang a cappella back in college.
Obviously I had gone all through high school and into college, and you don't do that not knowing how to read.
Your son and your daughter needs an excellent father more than an excellent college.
When I got to Grinnell College, I was part of the black turtleneck sweater and Camel cigarette crowd of poets and writers.
Maybe everyone is a little too reassuring that things are going to be OK to college graduates. It gives them a false sort of security.
I was lucky to have a successful career as a model, but that was just a way to pay off my college loans.
When I went to college, I was doing well in school, but I didn't have any drive to study.
I used to be a regular college student and now I go all over the country and stay at really nice hotels.
I blew the college boards, and to ease the snub from Harvard made a tour of Europe.