Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memories.
When you draw something it lives and when you photograph it it dies
It has been common knowledge to informed collectors that many times the finest and rarest art glass is found unsigned.
I was about to run, possibly fight, definitely scream...
The world is defined by smells – not words or shapes or sounds.
My brother had boxes of comic books. He was really the collector.
What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.
The tax collector must love poor people, he's creating so many of them.
Becoming a book collector is like joining a religion: it’s for life.
A seal the size of Canada attaches to her soul light.
To be a book-collector is to combine the worst characteristics of a dope fiend with those of a miser.
I'm not an artist or a collector. I'm a skateboard kid with no one to tell me if I'm not doing things the right way.
My father and uncles and all their friends turned their lungs black trying to satisfy my collector's zeal.
I'm a big toy collector. I've been slowing down because my money's been tight, but I collect toys, too.
The scarcity of the music not only makes the music itself enjoyable but it also gives the collector a strange sense of superiority.
There is a connection between me and the collectors, and as admirers of the work they tell me about the differences the pieces are able to make in their lives on a daily basis.
No. No way. That name is reserved for females with grace and elegance, not this girl. This girl is...beastly.
I think around the world, our agents are the best collectors of information you'll find.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss.
I don't have any expensive habits. I'm not a car collector or any of that nonsense. But I'd love to be incredibly wealthy for no reason at all.
For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?