Within two or three years of World War II's end, starvation had been basically eliminated in Japan, and yet the Japanese had continued slaving away as if their lives depend on it. Why? To create a more abundant life? If so, where was the abundance? W...
Shit," he said. "I don't know why you're feeling sorry for yourself because you ain't had to fight a war. You're lucky. Shit, all you had was that damn Desert Storm. Should have called it Dessert Storm because it just made the fat cats get fatter. It...
Then, somehow, I got caught up in one of Kevin's World War II books - a book of excerpts from the recollections of concentration camp survivors. Stories of beatings, starvation, filth, disease, torture, every possible degradation. As though the Germa...
We are asking if thought can be aware of itself. That is rather a complex question, and requires very careful observation. Thought has created wars through nationalism, through sectarian religions. Thought has created all this; God has not created th...
The dominant myth of the day seemed to be that anybody could do anything, even go to the moon. You could do whatever you wanted -in the ads and in the articles, ignore your limitations, defy them. If you were an indecisive person, you could become a ...
We shared a piece of Poncho's apple pie, and I told Poncho about PureTone. Like all serious musicians, he is depressed by the quality of sound the people's music id delivered in today. That is the impression I have gotten from every Musician I have m...
Race relations never improve in war time; they always worsen. And it is when the boys come home the Ku Klux Klans are organized. I believe with George Schuyler that the only really feasible way to improve the general situation of the American Negro i...
It is difficult for the ordinary voter to come to grips with the notion that a truly man, a truthless monster with the brains of a king rat and the soul of a cockroach, is about to be sworn in as the president of the United States for the next four y...
I cannot say much for this Monarch's Sense--Nor would I if I could, for he was a Lancastrian. I suppose you know all about the Wars between him and the Duke of York who was on the right side; if you do not, you had better read some other History, for...
It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship!' Without the religion, without the archaic and flawed holy texts, there wouldn’t be anything for you to manufacture a 'relationship' with. Without the wars and forced conversions key to the religion’s...
That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our colle...
Sam Wilson: Look, whoever he used to be and the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop. Steve Rogers: I don't know if I can do that. Sam Wilson: Well, he might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you. Steve Rog...
Adolf Hitler: [dictating to secretary] My political statement. Since 1914, when I invested my modest strength in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich, over 30 years have passed. In those 3 decades, all my thoughts, actions and my life...
[first lines] Phil: Somebody asked me today, "Phil, if you could be anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?" And I said to him, "Prob'ly right here - Elko, Nevada, our nation's high at 79 today." Out in California, they're gonna have some ...
General Allenby: I believe your name will be a household word when you'll have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I've ever met! T.E. Lawrence: Leave me alone! General Allenby: What? T.E. Lawrence: Leav...
Capt. Colin Maud: [walking up to a stalled vehicle] My old grandmother used to say anything mechanical, give it a good bashing. [Hits hood with his swagger stick] Capt. Colin Maud: Try it now. [vehicle cranks] Private Flanagan: [to Clough] Sure, now;...
Simon Foster: Okay, off you go. Toby Wright: What do you mean? Simon Foster: I've got this covered. Go and find the next thing. Talk to that Chad boy, the boy from "The Shining." He knows things. Toby Wright: Don't make me pump Chad. Simon Foster: No...
Faramir: [to Frodo] The enemy? [walks to a dead Haradrim soldier, and turns him over with his foot] Faramir: His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is... where he came from. And if he was really evil at heart. What...
Lamar Burgess: [as he is given a revolver] Revolvers, like this one, were given to the generals at the end of the civil war by their troops. The chambers were loaded with 5 gold plated bullets to symbolize the end of the destruction and death that se...
P.A. Announcer: Attention. Attention. Colonel Blake has secured for us The Halls of Montezuma. [unenthusiastically] P.A. Announcer: "So big, only the biggest of the screen can bring it to you all. Technicolor. Tell it to the Marines, those loveable l...
[telling Capt. Terrell why they need to go in a different direction than Wales' true course] Fletcher: Look at those boys over there: tied-down guns. Bounty hunters. Come out of a war, got no other way to make a livin'. Every last mother's son of the...