Then the war became a real problem and along with other shortages, they started to have paper problems.
It is not patriotic to commit young Americans to war unless our national security clearly requires it.
There is a strong tendency in the United States to rally round the flag and their troops, no matter how mistaken the war.
War is a way of shattering to pieces... materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and... too intelligent.
The British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office.
I hate war for its consequences, for the lies it lives on and propagates, for the undying hatreds it arouses.
If a king tries to start a war, a mother should go to him and forbid it.
We began to see the renovation of our offices as a subtle part of the Nixon war against the press.
I am opposed to war, to killing people, to any kind of hatred and violence.
There's no doubt that usually a president's public image is enhanced by going to war. That never did appeal to me.
They're out there, this appalling idea that there are companies that profit - not just profit but profit enormously - through war.
We had to move forward after the war and see the realities.
As soon as war is declared it will be impossible to hold the poets back. Rhyme is still the most effective drum.
Some of those drawn into the holy war had been secular nationalists only a few years before. If one looks at the biographies of these people, remarkable continuities are revealed.
A doctrine of class war seemed to provide a solution to the problem of poverty to people who know nothing about how wealth is created.
This programme to stop nuclear by 2020 is just crazy. If there were a nuclear war, and humanity were wiped out, the Earth would breathe a sigh of relief.
Books about women and children are not valued in the same way as a book about war. And why is that? I don't know.
Britain, which in the years immediately before this war was rapidly losing such democratic virtues as it possessed, is now being bombed and burned into democracy.
In Rio de Janeiro, every cop has to make a choice. He either turns dirty, keeps his mouth shut, or goes to war.
In light of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, critics are arguing that abuses of Iraqi prisoners are being produced by a climate of disregard for the laws of war.
I never desired to go into war zones. I never had any thought about it. It sort of just happened as part of the job.