A cold word from a cold man sends shivers throughout my body but my heart remains warm
The walls of the cell fell away, the sky came down, I saw the big yellow bird.
I didn't want the record to be cold and I don't think it's cold at all. I felt it was very people oriented.
i'm like a mirror if you're cool with me, i'll be cool with you. if you're cold with me, i'll be cold with you. if you're naked with me, i'll be naked with you.
My first account was Neiman Marcus. I cold-called them just like I had cold-called businesses when I was selling fax machines for seven years.
Whatever the reason we first mustered the _Apollo_ program, however mired it was in Cold War nationalism and the instruments of death, the inescapable recognition of the unity and fragility of the Earth is its clear and luminous dividend, the unexpec...
Why travel to the Moon or Mars if we only continue our wars there with Russia or China or Africa? Why build rockets at all? For fun? For adventure? Or is this the same process that sends the salmons back upstream year after year to spawn and die - a ...
Murder, other than in the most strict forensic sense, is never soluble. That dark human clot can never melt into a lucid, clear suspension. Our detective fiction tells us otherwise: everything is just meat and cold ballistics. Provide a murderer, a m...
This isn't a war," said the artilleryman. "It never was a war, any more than there's war between man and ants.
World War II was a decisive time in our history and June 6, 1944, marked the decisive moment of the war.
I did frequently refer to my war record in World War II, but not in any flamboyant way.
Marriage is the opposite to a fever attack; it begins very hot and ends very cold.
If there are two cooks in one house, the soup is either too salty or too cold.
He who burns his mouth on the soup will blow on a cold fish dish.
We've committed many war crimes in Vietnam - but I'll tell you something interesting about that. We were committing war crimes in World War II, before the Nuremberg trials were held and the principle of war crimes was stated.
We needed a refrigerator for our new place and I've never bought a refrigerator my whole life. I went into the appliance store, there's like 900 of 'em lined up, there's a salesman there. What's this guy supposed to say about refrigerators? "Well you...
[first lines] Brent Tarleton: What do we care if we *were* expelled from college, Scarlett? The war is gonna start any day now, so we'd have left college anyhow. Stuart Tarleton: War! Isn't it exciting, Scarlett? You know those fool Yankees actually ...
On A Cold Day, Of A Cold Walking The day is cold, but clouds are gray. The grass is white with frost, and may I say? The sun is coming up, over the hill. It's so quiet, and so steal. In the midst of all the trees, by the broke I see. Something moving...
World War II proves there's no God.
I was a lieutenant in World War II.
Are there really good wars and bad wars? We thought so during World War II, and in retrospect, we were right. But in Vietnam, and Iraq we were wrong.