We move much too fast, and too frequently, to pause to savor landscapes or avoid disfiguring clutter.
Hey Audrey,I am watching you de-clutter your house,do you need help?
A few dud universes can really clutter up your basement.
Clear your stuff. Clear your mind.
There's nothing wrong with having a collection, but it becomes a problem when it overwhelms your space. When you're not displaying it properly, you're not enjoying it and it turns into clutter.
Video games and YouTube.com are creatively booming, even though Web design, as demonstrated by the ugly clutter of most major news sites, is in the pits.
When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and 'good, orderly direction' to enter.
Disney's House of the Future had the clean simplicity prized in the 1950s as relief from decades of frayed patchwork, jury-rigging, and make-do clutter caused by Depression and war.
The more I examine the issue of clutter, the more effort I put into combating it, because it really does act as a weight.
Getting things straight in your head is a major achievement because there's so much clutter out there. You've got to push aside the static to really hear the music.
There is an explosion of information happening, yet people demand quick access to relevant content that cuts through the clutter.
I wish I had a talent for dropping things as well as taking on new ones. It gets to be quite a clutter after a while.
There was a subtlety about Peggy Lee. It was powerful. There was a valuable use of space. Everything was not cluttered. Her voice was out front and was the key instrument.
If you actually keep things very organized and clutter-free, you can have more furniture than you think you can in a small space.
Amidst one's daily clutter, one doesn't usually reflect on the splendour of being free because - naturally - one has to get on with the business of living.
A cluttered mind can make the difference between a nightmare and a dream. Meditate and clear your thoughts before you sleep.
Awake it was difficult to find anything in that chaotic clutter, but asleep she could...when the contours of reality were as faint as a tracery of pale ink.
Don't own so much clutter that you will be relieved to see your house catch fire.
If the work of art is to continue pursuing the vision of both being in and of the world but nevertheless in some fashion being more than just one more object to the mounting clutter, this is the specific point, I think, where this must be assured.
Learn from the puppies: Don't clutter where you live.
Amidst all the clutter, beyond all the obstacles, aside from all the static, are the goals set. Put your head down, do the best job possible, let the flak pass, and work towards those goals.