Elections are about choosing sides, but inaugurations are about closing ranks.
I have drawn a very close bond to all the military people.
The heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close.
I'll tell you a secret: Close your eyes and open your heart.
Keep the dreams of your youth very close to your heart.
I know what you go through when you learn someone close to you has died.
when it is a bad day-stay out to talk about it at same day with close one.
When I record an album I'm trying to get as close as possible to that perfect moment.
The type of producing that I did for many years involved working very closely with directors.
My biggest fear is to loose my closed ones. And I never want to face it.
When you're writing, it's as if you're within a kind of closed world.
You will never find your way, by keeping doors closed.
I put on close to 60 pounds for 'Genesis,' an independent movie from New Zealand.
Suicide is a hasty unresolved death that slowly kills those close-by day by day.
God will open any doors he wants to open, and if He closes doors, that's fine, too.
Ridley and I talk every day. Our family is very close because we're from North England.
There must be freedom for all to live, to think, to worship, no book, no avenue must be closed.
Our failings sometimes bind us to one another as closely as could virtue itself.
All of my family is so close. We're always over at each other's houses.
I need family support close because when you go to work, they are long days and it can get lonely.
Patience with family members and others who are close to us is vital for us to have happy homes.