But the fact is, it's illegal for the Administration to spend North west taxpayers' money to develop this rate hike proposal, just so it can turn around and raise their energy rates.
Teachers can go on cruises with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and anyone can spend the summer as a volunteer in a National Parks and even earn money doing it.
My administration's compact with the Filipino people will demand no less than the attainment of lasting peace and equitable prosperity. We will employ all the tools at our disposal to achieve this.
Europe has united, China is growing speedily and Russia possesses immense power in terms of fuel resources. The US administration cannot do anything about it.
'The End of America' details the 10 steps that would-be dictators always take in seeking to close an open society; it argued that the Bush administration had been advancing each one.
Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.
Any plan of administration which contemplates a concentrating of responsibility is open to the dangers which follow the creation of a bureaucracy.
Consul - in American politics, a person who having failed to secure an office from the people is given one by the Administration on condition that he leave the country.
The Obama administration will continue to fight for a comprehensive immigration solution that includes AgJobs and a stable workforce for our farms.
The important aspect shouldn't be whose administration it is, the important aspect should be how does the state of Wisconsin work, what can we do to move Wisconsin forward.
My goal in the new administration is to engage all of the stakeholders, everyone who can help us meet the challenges of the 21st century, and ensure that we work together.
I don't like war. I particularly don't like the celebration of war, which I think the administration is a little bit guilty of.
It is because the administration is hostile to silver; and thus it is surrendering this country to the Shylocks of the Old World who have made war upon it.
The ongoing strife in Iraq, and the billions of dollars that the President is seeking to continue that war, give me little comfort that this Administration has learned from its mistakes in Iraq.
It is not clear who will bring to the Whitehouse those useful commodities of vivid language, a sense of history and most important - a sense of humour, but Johnson himself will provide many other attributes. He is effective precisely because he is so...
Lt. Nyota Uhura: [During the Kobayashi Maru test] We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them. James T. Kirk: [clearly enjoying himself] "...
In 1959, Vice-President Nixon, speaking to members of California’s Commonwealth Club, was asked if he’d like to see the parties undergo an ideological realignment—the sort that has since taken place—and he replied, “I think it would be a gr...
Pundits talk about 'populist rage' as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class.
In the best of all worlds everyone in the Embassy is doing something to assist U.S. exports.
What the 1990s taught the Clinton veterans was that you could 'triangulate' with a GOP-controlled Congress.
First, we did rank everybody by risk, and New York comes out number one.