The money in the schools overpowers the principles of the purpose.
People first, then money, then things.
The power of visibility can never be underestimated.
My body is a vehicle for the mechanics of my sport.
Boxing is one of the few sports that is one on one.
I'm a huge sports fan.
I don't know much about sports.
A career in entertainment has a lifespan, like one in sport.
Cinema is a reflection of its own society.
We need proof in our society.
I'm playin' the music I like.
If I was into politics, I would be rich.
My plan is to work on a master's in philosophy.
Women don't try to use me.
I have always enjoyed the company of women.
Sending our youth to war is wrong.
At my age flowers scare me.
I'm most comfortable in my birthday suit.
I never studied, but I had the best teachers.
I've always been told I was extremely well-behaved as a kid.
When I was wrestling, I was 19, I was young.