The rich become richer and the poor become poorer is a cry heard throughout the whole civilized world.
The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure.
Virtually all of Africa's civil wars were started by politically marginalized or excluded groups.
I support same-sex civil unions and I believe no should be denied their rights
Where two or more are gathered in the name of Man; that is civilization; that is Order; and that is the beginnings of brutality and suffering.
As long as I am nothing but a ghost of the civil dead, I can do nothing.
To the present writer a careful study of the facts now available seems to leave no doubt that civilization was born at the southeast corner of the Mediterranean.
The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be.
When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.
This will never be a civilized country until we expend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.
Americans need to understand the significance of having their civil liberties dismantled. It doesn't just affect terrorists and foreigners, it affects us all.
I don't believe civilization can do a lot more than educate a person's senses.
Enlarged sympathy with children was one of the chief contributions made by the Victorian English to real civilization.
It will be said, however, that protection tends to destroy commerce, the civilizer of mankind. Directly the reverse, however, is the fact.
The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place.
The liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.
The Filipino embraces civilization and lives and thrives in every clime, in contact with every people.
The city has become a serious menace to our civilization... It has a peculiar attraction for the immigrant.
The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living…
In essence the Renaissance was simply the green end of one of civilization's hardest winters.
It is probable that for a long time to come the mass of mankind in civilized countries will find it both necessary and advantageous to labor for wages, and to accept the condition of hired laborers.