Impersonating a quiet, gentle librarian like Barbara Gordon--You deserve to be taken out of circulation!
The fashion industry now has a direct relationship with its customers. Thanks to things like Twitter, ideas can be shared and circulated.
In a highly competitive newspaper market, every editor needs to appeal to female readers to boost their circulation.
I don't see why I can't have friends of both sexes without wild rumors being circulated. It's crazy.
So much of what makes a room great is how you enter and circulate through it, how it addresses the body.
During the 1960s, the Shanghai of my childhood seemed a portent of the media cities of the future, dominated by advertising and mass circulation newspapers and swept by unpredictable violence.
Anything that keeps old words in circulation is to be treasured, the French revolution be damned.
Contrary to many of the rumors and innuendo in circulation, I wholeheartedly believe that Obama views Israel's security as absolute.
I've been interested in watching the level of conservative misinformation that circulates through the media.
The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of the blood.
In Israel, waves of anger and fear circulate all the time, but so do jokes and gossip and silky evening breezes. So, too, in America.
The thought of what America would be like If the Classics had a wide circulation Troubles my sleep (Cantico del Sole)
The notion that Jews are mythic creatures is well circulating in our culture.
What is new is the multiplying reach and volume of the Internet, concentrating the toxicity of destructive emotions and circulating them in the political bloodstream with unparalleled velocity.
The more ideas there are in circulation, the more ideas there are for any individual to disagree with. More media always means more arguing.
In many organisms, including man, the mechanical respiration and the circulation of the blood are 'regulated' so as to correspond to the demand of the moment.
I felt knowledge and the unity of the world circulate in me like my own blood.
Tourism, human circulation considered as consumption is fundamentally nothing more than the leisure of going to see what has become banal.
In my town, and especially in my area, there were people from everywhere: Algerians, Senegalese, French people, Asians, all kinds of immigrants and natives, and everyone circulated.
Whether or not the standard of living made possible by mass production and in turn by mass circulation, is supported by and filled with the work of us hucksters, I guess is something that only history can decide.
Errors, to be dangerous, must have a great deal of truth mingled with them. It is only from this alliance that they can ever obtain an extensive circulation.