One thing I've always wondered—why did you enter that bikini contest when you were a teenager?” Her face flushed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “How far back did you trace me?” “Far enough.” A pause. “You didn't answer my qu...
Words', he said, 'is oh such a twitch-tickling problem to me all my life. So you must simply try to be patient and stop squibbling. As I am telling you before, I know exactly what words I am wanting to say, but somehow or other they is always getting...
If you're having a bad hair day or a bad boy day, he'll whip up one of his yummy mango smoothies for you, sit you down, and say, "Little one, remember what's really important in life: a family that loves you, good friends, and not putting too much ga...
And the end of this paradox is that only when the child is thus free can he have the proper attachment to his parents; only when we allow his independence can he then freely offer us love and respect, without conflict and without resentment. It is th...
I am convinced that an immense number of people who have children should not have them, and do not particularly want them, except as "symbols" of family life. What they want are ideal children, not real ones; and as soon as the real ones show no inte...
Of all my old associations, of all my old pursuits and hopes, of all the living and the dead world, this one poor soul alone comes natural to me, and I am fit for. There is a tie of many suffering years between us two, and it is the only tie I ever...
All this, sadly enough, is truer of the more educated, higher-income, professional families. It is here that the competition is the greatest, the expectations most elevated. If the boy would be happier as a telephone linesman or a forest ranger, he i...
Ebola haunted Zaire because of corruption and political repression. The virus had no secret powers, nor was it unusually contagious. For centuries Ebola had lurked in the jungles of central Africa. Its emergence into human populations required the sp...
The present representative of the Dedlocks is an excellent master. He supposes all his dependents to be utterly bereft of individual characters, intentions, or opinions, and is persuaded that he was born to supersede the necessity of their having any...
[S]ome score of members of the High Court of Chancery bar ought to be --- as here they are --- mistily engaged in one of the ten thousand stages of an endless cause, tripping one another up on slippery precedents, groping knee-deep in technicalities,...
The one great principle of the English law is, to make business for itself. There is no other principle distinctly, certainly, and consistently maintained through all its narrow turnings. Viewed by this light it becomes a coherent scheme, and not the...
Le Corbusier was the sort of relentlessly rational intellectual that only France loves wholeheartedly, the logician who flies higher and higher in ever-decreasing concentric circles until, with one last, utterly inevitable induction, he disappears up...
I thought it very touching to see these two women, coarse and shabby and beaten, so united; to see what they could be to one another; to see how they felt for one another, how the heart of each to each was softened by the hard trials of their lives. ...
In all, 86 per cent of the increased life expectancy was due to decreases in infectious diseases. And the bulk of the decline in infectious disease deaths occurred prior to the age of antibiotics. Less than 4 per cent of the total improvement in life...
Apabila aku mencapai sesuatu selama di atas dunia, ini adalah karena rakyatku. Tanpa rakyat aku tidak berarti apa-apa. Kalau aku mati, kuburkanlah Bapakmu menurut agama Islam dan di atas batu kecil yang biasa engkau tulislah kata-kata sederhana: Di s...
Ya, aku orang yang bersifat adil. Aku kasih tahu apa yang harus kau lakukan. Kalau engkau bisa lulus ujian, kami akan membolehkanmu masuk. Nah, di sana ada danau dengan sebuah titian yang sangat kecil terentang di atasnya. Kalau engkau bisa selamat m...
Indonesia harus menguasai kesadaran diri dan rasa rendah diri. Ia membutuhkan rasa percaya diri. Itulah yang harus kuberikan kepada rakyatku sebelum aku meninggalkan mereka. Saat ini Sukarno lah yang menjadi faktor pemersatu di Indonesia. Setelah kep...
Negara Republik Indonesia tidak mungkin memerangi dirinya sendiri. Pilih satu di antara dua, Sukarno-Hatta atau partai komunis yang membentuk pemerintahan Sovyet di bawah Alimin dan Muso. Dengan rahmad Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sukarno akan memimpin rakya...
Seorang Marhaen adalah oran yang memiliki alat-alat yang sedikut, orang kecil dengan milik kecil, dengan alat-alat kecil, sekedar cukup untuk bekerja bukan untuk orang lain dan tidak ada orang bekerja untuk dia. Tidak ada penghisapan tenaga seseorang...
I felt Mr Willard had deserted me. I thought he must have planned it all along, but Buddy said No, his father simply couldn't stand the sight of sickness and especially his own son's sickness, because he thought all sickness was sickness of the will....
This boy - his name was Eric - said he thought it disgusting the way all the girls at my college stood around on the porches under the porch lights and in the bushes in plain view, necking madly before the one o'clock curfew, so everybody passing by ...