figthting for peace is like fucking for verginity
There is no such thing as a neutral therapist.
Motherhood is precious.Value it responsibly or don't be
I'm definitely not a fearless individual.
I'm as pure as the driven slush.
There is less in this than meets the eye.
'America' is synonymous with opportunity.
It's so thrilling to be intimidated.
Tiada istilah pensiun bagi entrepreneur sejati. Entrepreneur adalah pahlawan ekonomi.
Canadians are so easily wounded.
I still have a dream.
All zoos are both beguiling and repellent.
It could become much worse.
I don't do drama. I'm a comedian.
Thailand stands at a crossroads.
Little boys are a ton of fun.
Art is spirituality in drag
Psephology isn't a hate crime.
I don't feel that I was a Hollywood-created star.
I have a lot of ambition.
Courage is one of the best ingredients of success.