They hate whom they fear.
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
Hizbullah is not a militia.
Liberalism is Rationalism in politics.
The spring of 1942 was given over to a very impassioned, strategic debate about where we should first attack in counterpunching against the Germans and Italians. The British argued very persuasively on the part of Winston Churchill, prime minister, t...
When art wins, everyone wins.
I do not seek. I find.
Gentleness is the antidote for cruelty.
I might be an ambassador.
Win one for the Gipper.
The P's of life:Passion, Persistence, Perseverance.
Yauch was a gifted MC.
The talent is in the choices.
I'm an orator, a raconteur.
Technology is not the problem. We are the problem.
I'm on a search for the truth.
I'm not really in the excuse business.
The business of America is business.
If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative.
All government wars are unjust.
I'm Colombian and nothing will change that.