This Republic was called into being, organized, and is upheld, by a great political doctrine.
The Constitution is a document that should only be amended with great caution.
To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.
I thought 'Fight Club' was great as David Fincher's version.
You have to study a great deal to know a little.
All great works of literature either dissolve a genre or invent one.
Small projects need much more help than great.
No, I think marriage is a great thing.
She was making great money at personal appearances.
Seattle is a fantastic place to build a great technology-enabled consumer company.
Fighting is dancing. Look at a great boxing match, and it's a dancing.
The great mass of humanity should never learn to read or write.
Try everything, because you're never sure what you're going to be great at.
On the summit of Everest, I had a feeling of great satisfaction to be first there.
The great spirals... apparently lie outside our stellar system.
Life in abundance comes only through great love.
I cannot sleep - great joy is as restless as great sorrow.
Ethiopia is such a great country, beautiful place.
Alaska has great potential for new oil and gas development.
No drama, however great, is entirely independent of the stage on which it is given.
Women, by their nature, are not exceptional chess players: they are not great fighters.