What other people think of you is none of your business.
Except for politics, no business is scrutinized more exhaustively than journalism.
Its not really about the movie business, it's about staying in the picture.
Most governments lie to each other. That's the way business gets done.
We're on the path of creating monopoly business practices out of copyright law.
I was in the Navy as an enlisted man, started my first business when I was 21.
Failure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you haven't succeeded yet.
We in universities are not in the democracy business. What we do, when we're doing it, is teach and learn.
Business practices and how we treat the planet are also in desperate need of re-humanization.
New Mexico is an environment where we are open for business.
I conduct business, not dependent of public sentiment, but according to the rules of fair business.
The message I take all round the world is Britain is open for business.
It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts.
I would kiss you, had I the courage.
Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
A leader must have the courage to act against an expert's advice.
My definition of courage is never letting anyone define you.
I see courage everywhere I go in Africa.
Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.
Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline; simulated fear postulates courage; simulated weakness postulates strength.
We are telling the American people to have patience, courage, resolve and determination.