I'm basically a fearful person. I'm a phobic person.
It's too easy to blame other people in football.
Who are you and what are you?... I need to know.
Is it that you hate this president or that you hate America?
The problem with compassion is that it is not photogenic.
I regret everything. But so what? At least I have cause.
Because of you, I'm running out of reasons to cry.
I like to see people's eyes when I'm singing to them.
I'd like to do a bit of comedy.
Ignorance per se is not nearly as dangerous as ignorance of ignorance.
I want to get people to connect to the outdoors.
Everybody expects that their vote's going to count.
Israel is thirsting for water, and Turkey is overflowing with it.
Foreign interventions always end badly.
We have not won the battle against drug trafficking.
America, I am not ignoring you.
If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful.
I'm an actress. It's my passion. It's - I've always lived for acting.
Sometimes Congress likes to milk an issue.
No culture that has ever embraced homosexuality has survived.
Politicians are no different than the rest of the public.