I leave before being left. I decide.
Percentages are why I am rich.
Children want to do what grownups do.
I want to see the economy rebound.
There can be economy only where there is efficiency.
It is easier to be critical than correct.
Spring and summer in Pittsburgh mean outdoor festivals.
In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships.
Politics is not bean bags. It's serious, tough stuff.
Oh, that lovely title, ex-president.
Negative politics have always been around.
There's politics in all aspects of our daily lives.
The crossroads of science and politics is a dodgy place.
Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics.
The patriot blood of my father was warm in my veins.
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
We have no patience with other people's vanity because it is offensive to our own.
A monk's extraordinary patience can be a hindrance to desperate decision-making.
A philosopher goes where the truth leads and has no patience with mere emotion.
Everyone ought to bear patiently the results of his own conduct.
Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results of his own example.