Of what worth are convictions that bring not suffering?
Fundraising is very, very time-consuming.
The extremists took over the primary process.
The essence of a democracy is a free electorate.
Perfektion ist erreicht, wenn man nichts mehr wegnehmen kann.
I only take risks in couture, but I don't take risks in athleticism.
I ain't a bit ashamed of anything.
I just want to serve Colombia.
I am a follower of Mahatma Gandhi.
I am a deeply superficial person.
You know it's ART, when the check clears.
As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.
People should fall in love with their eyes closed.
I tried. But not everybody thought so.
It should be known that Israel is based on treachery.
I find some unity with Ron Paul.
Nixon probably was a nice guy.
I know when something is kind of half-baked.
It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without wanting to be.
People are forever finding something wrong with you.
I have not always loved wisely, but I was young.