Ultimately, taste is so niche and so personal.
There are enough no smoking places now.
The moment rules over everything.
I'm a bit of a propagandist.
Character is the result of a system of stereotyped principals.
This is a form of double taxation and it's simply unfair.
I plan to die at my desk.
I have no academic qualifications whatsoever.
I'm not concerned with what people think of me.
I continued to serve in Congress until 2001.
What's the point of elections if everything is already decided?
To change the action, change thoughts first.
Fighting for peace is not the solution, but loving for peace is the solution.
Success is the greatest teacher for future success.
I like to be a strategic policy guy.
The current Michigan Constitution was written in 1961 and '62.
I think the story is my form.
Aber Erwachsenwerden heißt ja nicht, dass ich aufhören muss, ein Kind zu sein.
But Fascism cannot continue in a modified form.
Most of us don't want to be outsiders.
I am a poor hater.