People get a kick out of my stupidity.
My husband says I look like a Q-tip.
I always think of myself as a working girl.
When I get down, I don't waller around for long.
I try not to go around looking like a hag.
Some guys look better as they get older.
I would never stoop so low as to be fashionable.
It is easier to get into something than to get out of it.
I loathe narcissism, but I approve of vanity.
Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious.
I came to photography by accident.
Sometimes my quotes may be too colorful.
It takes three to make a child.
Enquire what the effect of large endowments are upon colleges.
It's painful to consider anything but writing.
So that's the telephone? They ring, and you run.
Dance has a transformative effect on bodily trauma.
Civility, it is said, means obeying the unenforceable.
The man who has no problems is out of the game.
The idea that is not dangerous is not worthy of being called an idea at all.
I'm not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy.