I am for lowering taxes.
There has to be news at a place called Fox News.
I enjoy reporting on triumph over tragedy.
Not even my parents know how I vote.
Prudery is a kind of avarice, the worst of all.
My kids enjoy the Disney program, Lizzy McGuire.
I've never been over-dramatic in my whole career.
All sins are attempts to fill voids.
The killing of a disabled person is not 'compassionate'. It is not 'euthanasia'. It is murder.
To be in Florence is to reflect on Europe's intricate diversity - and its lost creativity.
We are spending $1 billion a week in Iraq.
The digital explosion has been so explosive.
Magazine articles are the new books.
What has happened to America's survival instincts?
Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.
Look, I am very competitive.
Action is what makes hope a reality.
Greater things are believed of those who are absent.
The whole universe is but a huge Symbol of god".
It's what the reader thinks that counts.
Danger past, God is forgotten.