At fifty everyone has the face he deserves.
Autism is a very serious condition.
There is only one sort of discipline, perfect discipline.
No one saw the recession coming.
There is a level of snobbery and fickleness in L.A.
Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.
I liked Nixon fine, but Nixon was not a partier.
If we can kill Saddam, we should.
A diary means yes indeed.
To write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write.
Above all nations is humanity.
In heaven an angel is no one in particular.
I admire anyone who rids himself of an addiction.
There is no miracle cure for the many problems of the world.
Good is not a thing you are. It is a thing you do.
The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.
Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreate deity.
Suffering is part of the divine idea.
All happiness depends on courage and work.
Now comes the mystery! (last words)
We don't want to deal with a separatist party.