Eternity is a lie and Chiron was the messenger.
Sorrow can be a bully.
Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.
Shenanigans is a financial model on the catwalk.
It is terrible to be an unprotected being.
Evolution is a religion; it is not science!
Courage comes in the form of a girl.
The unknown can be a great tool.
All extremes of feeling are allied with madness.
But memory is less disposed to compromise
Beautiful food and health are priceless.
Our first intuitions are the true ones.
It is only in our decisions that we are important.
I've had some of the best and most traumatizing experiences at NBC.
I was a brilliant student. I always try to be the best.
I have to live with both my selves as best I may.
Humidity notwithstanding, summer seems to bring out the best of Cincinnati.
Political criticism is our enemies' best friend.
The best way to avoid danger is to meet it plump.
If ambition is the desire to be the best at what you do, then I'm guilty.
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.